Wolframite and scheelite are the only commercially mined tungsten ores, often accompanied by minerals such as molybdenum, cassiterite, and sulfide ore.


This blog will show 4 successful tungsten processing plants, hoping to give you help.

1. Wolframite processing plant in Canada

A tungsten processing plant in northwestern Canada has the largest tungsten mine in the Western world. Open-pit method is used for wolframite-based tungsten mining. It is the Quartz-Wolframite-Sulfide-type composite mine.

It mainly contains wolframite, bismuthinite, and auxiliary minerals like scheelite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, and chalcopyrite. Surrounding rocks are mainly quartz stone, slate, and phyllite rocks.

The mineral characteristics are deep color (black), coarse particle size (0-150mm), easy to form mud, and raw ore containing 0.47% WO3.